
Pig City S1E7
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Pig City

Pig City


Pig City is an animated television program originally airing on Teletoon, on September 1, 2002. It features a country pig moving to the big city to live with his cousins. 39 half hour episodes have been produced, coproduced with AnimaKids, and in association with Merchandising Munchen 2001–2003.

Date: 09/01/2002
Rating: 8.0
Cast: Michael Yarmush, Ellen David, Harry Strandjofski, Jennifer Seguin, Pier Kohl, Ricky Mabe, Tedd Dillon, Thor Bishopric, Matt Holland

Michael Yarmush as  in Pig City Michael Yarmush

Ellen David as  in Pig City Ellen David

Harry Strandjofski as  in Pig City Harry Strandjofski

Jennifer Seguin as  in Pig City Jennifer Seguin

Pier Kohl

Ricky Mabe as  in Pig City Ricky Mabe

Tedd Dillon as  in Pig City Tedd Dillon

Thor Bishopric as  in Pig City Thor Bishopric

Matt Holland as  in Pig City Matt Holland