
Ottifants S1E5
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Otto's Ottifants is an animated series published in 1993, featuring the famous elephant-like characters created by german comedian Otto Walkes. Within a short period of time the humorous stories of Family Bommel and their notorious baby Bruno won the hearts of many young and old people in all the German-speaking areas in Europe.

Date: 09/25/1993
Rating: 8.5
Cast: Otto Waalkes, Wolfgang Draeger, Monika Barth, Günter Lüdke, Günther Jerschke, Beate Hasenau

Otto Waalkes as Baby Bruno Bommel in Ottifants Otto Waalkes

Wolfgang Draeger as Vater Paul Bommel in Ottifants Wolfgang Draeger

Monika Barth as Mutter Renate Bommel in Ottifants Monika Barth

Günter Lüdke as Opa Bommel in Ottifants Günter Lüdke

Günther Jerschke as Chef in Ottifants Günther Jerschke

Beate Hasenau as Frau Hoppmann in Ottifants Beate Hasenau