
Afterworld S1E10
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Afterworld is a computer-animated American science fiction television series created by writer Brent V. Friedman and artist/filmmaker Michael DeCourcey. Its naturalistic future setting, modeled after traditional Western movie motifs, presents an atypical science fiction backdrop for the narrative. Friedman served as executive producer, along with Stan Rogow. Afterworld premiered in the United States on YouTube and Bud.tv on February 28, 2007 with the production website being launched in May, 2007. The series quickly built a loyal fanbase but did not really take off until August, 2007 when it was 're-released' on MySpace. In conjunction with that release the series was also released in Australia on the Sci Fi Channel, as a mobile podcast, and as a web series on US based Crackle. The series was also made available by Sony Pictures Television International as 13 half-hour episodes for traditional broadcasters.

Date: 02/28/2007
Rating: 7.2
Cast: Roark Critchlow, Tara Platt, Nicole Hansen

Roark Critchlow as Russel Shoemaker in Afterworld Roark Critchlow

Tara Platt as Kizzy Shoemaker in Afterworld Tara Platt

Nicole Hansen as Janelle Shoemaker in Afterworld Nicole Hansen