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The story, which deals with the ultra-Orthodox who enlist in combat training in the Israel Defense Forces, is presented through the eyes of three soldiers: Amram Elkayam the shabbanik, the national ultra-Orthodox Gur Aryeh and Yaakov Anielbitsh, a Vizhnitz Hasid, and soon they discover a world they did not know , To communicate with women in a regular framework, and in some cases, of course, to deal with the hostile attitude toward them in the places they came from, including Yehuda Barkan, Danny Steg and Yishai Golan.

Date: 10/17/2017
Rating: 10.0
Cast: Dolev Mesika, Roy Nik, Avi Mazliah, Danny Steg, Ilia Zsibulsky, Yael Folman, Suzanna Papian

Dolev Mesika Dolev Mesika

Roy Nik Roy Nik

Avi Mazliah Avi Mazliah

Danny Steg Danny Steg

Ilia Zsibulsky Ilia Zsibulsky

Yael Folman Yael Folman

Suzanna Papian Suzanna Papian