
Yes! PreCure 5
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Yes! PreCure 5


1. Pretty Cure's Dream is Born!

2. Passionate Overdrive, Cure Rouge!

3. Who's the Blossoming Pretty Cure?

4. The Peaceful Cure Mint!

5. The Requirements for Pretty Cure

6. Pretty Cure 5: Everyone, Assemble!

7. An Old Friend named Nuts Appears!

8. Compatibility: Zero? Rin and Karen

9. Pretty Cure Exposed!?

10. Save a Hungry Nuts!

11. Nozomi and Cocoa's Hot Air Balloon

12. Defend Oolala's Stage!

13. Lynn-chan's Extracirricular Decision!

14. Karen, the Troubled Student Council President

15. Nozomi's Hustled Help!

16. Komachi Giving Up on Being a Novelist?!

17. A Naive Maiden's Love Story

18. Assault! Karen's Private Life

19. Search for Oolala's Secret!

20. Pretty Cure 5's Singing Debut!?

21. The Apprentice Manager, Milk, Arrives!

22. Milk's Tumultuous Runaway!

23. Big Trouble! An Invitation from the Nightmare

24. The New Power of the Five Girls!

25. Pretty Cure's Epic Boarding House Battle!

26. A Romantic Super-charged Resort Life!

27. Lynn-chan, a Cool Guy, a Ghost, and a Date!?

28. Komachi's Festival Efforts Chronicled

29. Nozomi's Manager for a Day

30. Milk's Decision and Everyone's Powers!

31. Nozomi and Coco's Love Letter Scandal!

32. Lynn-chan's Happy Wedding!

33. The Big Scoop! Covering Pretty Cure 5's Monopoly!

34. Protect Milk! Karen, Knight on a White Horse

35. Nuts' Key and Komachi's Heart

36. Aim for the Finish Line! A Marathon Championship

37. Coco's Healthy Epic Battle!

38. Pretty Cure 5's Cinderella Story

39. The Horror! Despairiah's Reality

40. Search for the Chairman's True Identity!

41. Feelings that are Handed Down: Komachi and Oolala

42. Lynn and Karen's Secret Promise

43. Komachi's Decision and Nuts' Future

44. What kind of a Man is a Manager?

45. Nozomi and Coco's Christmas Vow

46. Kawarino's Heartless Strategy

47. Reclaim the Dream Collet!

48. Hope Vs. Despair: The Final Showdown!

49. With Hopes and Dreams, Pretty Cure 5!

Yes! PreCure 5



Action & Adventure



Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Nozomi Yumehara, a regular student, finds a magical book called the Dream Collet in the library and meets Coco and Nuts, two creatures from the Palmier Kingdom. They plead with Nozomi to restore their world, which has been destroyed by an organization called the Nightmares, by completing the Dream Collet and finding the 55 Pinkies to make any wish come true. Meanwhile, the Nightmares are moving into the real world. Once Nozomi agrees to help, Coco and Nuts transform her into the legendary warrior Cure Dream and turn four fellow students into her Pretty Cure team.

Date: 02/04/2007
Rating: 8.4
Cast: Yuko Sanpei, Junko Takeuchi, Mariya Ise, Ai Nagano, Ai Maeda, Eri Sendai, Miyu Irino, Takeshi Kusao, Romi Park

Yuko Sanpei Yuko Sanpei

Junko Takeuchi Junko Takeuchi

Mariya Ise Mariya Ise

Ai Nagano Ai Nagano

Ai Maeda Ai Maeda

Eri Sendai Eri Sendai

Miyu Irino Miyu Irino

Takeshi Kusao Takeshi Kusao

Romi Park Romi Park