
Amalia S2E13
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Amalia is a South African television drama series created by Chris Barnard, directed by Katinka Heyns and produced by Sonneblom Films about an unsolved murder where all the inhabitants of a small town are suspects. The series is in Afrikaans, with English subtitles.

Date: 04/14/2005
Rating: 8.0
Cast: Illse Roos, Marius Weyers, Dawid Minnaar, Anna-Mart van der Merwe, Hélène Truter, Marcel Van Heerden, Tobie Cronje, Grethe Fox, Hannes Brümmer

Illse Roos as Amalia in Amalia Illse Roos

Marius Weyers as kapt. Wollie de Wet in Amalia Marius Weyers

Dawid Minnaar as Piet Vos in Amalia Dawid Minnaar

Anna-Mart van der Merwe as Dr. Sanet Visser in Amalia Anna-Mart van der Merwe

Hélène Truter as Tina Wilsenach in Amalia Hélène Truter

Marcel Van Heerden as Swys van Wyk in Amalia Marcel Van Heerden

Tobie Cronje as Mnr. Olwage in Amalia Tobie Cronje

Grethe Fox as Aletta Brink in Amalia Grethe Fox

Hannes Brümmer as Konstabel Swannie in Amalia Hannes Brümmer