
Stratton Castle: Tale of Jessie Goldenheart
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Stratton Castle: Tale of Jessie Goldenheart

Stratton Castle: Tale of Jessie Goldenheart




Set in the 1800's of Scotland when servants didn't rise above their station comes a love story for the ages. As the master of Stratton castle lies dying he makes his son promise to take over the lands and find an appropriate match, however, unbeknownst to his father, Walter has already fallen in love with Jessie, a beautiful servant girl. Now he must fight against his forbidden passion for fear of scandal and ruin or risk it all for Jessie the Golden Hearted.

Date: 11/12/2021
Rating: 3.5
Cast: Kat Fairaway, Eric Roberts, Charlie Clark, Kirstie Pooley, Andrew Shelton, Maggie Lacy, Christina Evans, David E. Ballard, Mera Mayde, Theresa Croft, Timothy N. Kopacz, Lize Johnston, Kellie Cundiff, David Alan Graf, Robin S. Roth, Rockie Kelly, Lauren Adlhoch, Harwood Gordon, Victoria Watlington, Caileigh Carey, Edith Liu

Kat Fairaway Kat Fairaway

Eric Roberts Eric Roberts

Charlie Clark Charlie Clark

Kirstie Pooley Kirstie Pooley

Andrew Shelton

Maggie Lacy

Christina Evans

David E. Ballard

Mera Mayde Mera Mayde

Theresa Croft Theresa Croft

Timothy N. Kopacz

Lize Johnston Lize Johnston

Kellie Cundiff

David Alan Graf David Alan Graf

Robin S. Roth

Rockie Kelly

Lauren Adlhoch

Harwood Gordon Harwood Gordon

Victoria Watlington

Caileigh Carey

Edith Liu