
At the Devil's Lair
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At the Devil's Lair

At the Devil's Lair



XVIII century. Moldova under Turkish yoke. The local nobility collaborates with the enslavers. Throughout the district in Moldova, the fame of a detachment of haiduks under the leadership of Gruya thundered, instilling fear in the lords and boyars. But Gruya was killed. Imagine the surprise of the authorities when they learned that a new Gruya had appeared and was preparing revenge.

Date: 05/25/1981
Rating: 8.5
Cast: Grigore Grigoriu, Nikolai Dariye, Sandri Ion Zhkurya, Les Serdyuk, Svetlana Toma, Georgiy Pyrlya, Vytautas Tomkus, Vladimir Lomizov, Pyotr Barakchi, Aureliya Koretskaya, Oleg Fedulov

Grigore Grigoriu Grigore Grigoriu

Nikolai Dariye

Sandri Ion Zhkurya

Les Serdyuk Les Serdyuk

Svetlana Toma Svetlana Toma

Georgiy Pyrlya

Vytautas Tomkus Vytautas Tomkus

Vladimir Lomizov

Pyotr Barakchi Pyotr Barakchi

Aureliya Koretskaya

Oleg Fedulov Oleg Fedulov