
Seconds Apart
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Seconds Apart

Seconds Apart



Seth and Jonah are twins with a dangerous ability: telekinesis. Things start to spiral out of control as their classmates die in twisted and bizarre ways. Jealousy begins to divide them and soon they can no longer trust each other, leading up to a horrific battle against themselves.

Date: 01/28/2011
Rating: 5.7
Cast: Orlando Jones, Edmund Entin, Gary Entin, Samantha Droke, Louis Herthum, Morgana Shaw, Stephanie Richards, Abby Chapman, Tate Chapman

Orlando Jones Orlando Jones

Edmund Entin Edmund Entin

Gary Entin Gary Entin

Samantha Droke Samantha Droke

Louis Herthum Louis Herthum

Morgana Shaw Morgana Shaw

Stephanie Richards Stephanie Richards

Abby Chapman

Tate Chapman Tate Chapman