
Looking For Lola
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Looking For Lola

Looking For Lola



Looking for Lola is a comical look at the world of relationships and highlights just how far we will go to impress that special someone... Mike (Mark Kassen) has moved to L.A. with dreams of being a writer. In order to keep his parents satisfied, he lies to them, telling of his instant success and wealth as an author. Lola (Ara Celi) has dreams of being a dancer; however her illegal status in the country has left her looking after her sleazy boss' mansion. the hilarity begins after the two meet. Both weave an intricate set of lies, painting a picture of success and wealth, in an attempt to woo the other. However, when their parents decide to visit them in California, it becomes extremely challenging to keep the comical facade alive!

Date: 12/31/1997
Rating: 5.6
Cast: Mark Kassen, Ara Celi, Adam Biesk, Vincent Ventresca, Michael Kagan, Brenda Pickleman, Leeza Davidson, Joe Viterelli, Louis Lombardi, Patrick Birkett, Susannah Cranage, Tony Perez

Mark Kassen Mark Kassen

Ara Celi Ara Celi

Adam Biesk

Vincent Ventresca Vincent Ventresca

Michael Kagan Michael Kagan

Brenda Pickleman

Leeza Davidson

Joe Viterelli Joe Viterelli

Louis Lombardi Louis Lombardi

Patrick Birkett

Susannah Cranage

Tony Perez Tony Perez