
Human Comedy
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Human Comedy

Human Comedy



A comedy of the tragic life of someone who must live like the people around him despite his own preference. The Human Comedy is a comedy narrative of the tragic life of a person who finds himself doing as the Romans do unwillingly.

Date: 06/16/2017
Rating: 5.5
Cast: Niki Karimi, Houman Seyyedi, Hasti Mahdavifar, Bahare Kianafshar, Leila Zare, Alireza Shojanoori

Niki Karimi Niki Karimi

Houman Seyyedi Houman Seyyedi

Hasti Mahdavifar Hasti Mahdavifar

Bahare Kianafshar Bahare Kianafshar

Leila Zare Leila Zare

Alireza Shojanoori Alireza Shojanoori