
Occurrence at Mills Creek
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Occurrence at Mills Creek

Occurrence at Mills Creek




A young girl awakens to a nightmare as her pleas to be seen and heard by her sister are taken as supernatural occurrences in this stylistic and suspenseful short that is now a full-length feature film.

Date: 09/12/2020
Rating: 5.0
Cast: Betsy Lynn George, Joe Fishel, Ava Psoras, Alexa Mechling, Jace Armentrout, Mary Sack, Carley Ward, MaLynda Parker, Brian Ceponis, Rachel Rosinger, Robert Alcorn, Rosie Koster, Kathy Ciesielski, Keith Otto, Mia Zanotti, Lailanie Bautista, Erika Shrout, John-Patrick Driscoll, Ivana Kingston, J.P. Edwards, Myla Swanson, Keri Delacour, Aubrey Hileman, Val Porter, Taryn L. Hart, Renee Downing, Zena Zanotti, Noah Crissman, Robert Rusin, Richard C. Fishel, Billy S. Fishel, Lucky Fishel, John W. Iwanonkiw, Cory Hika, Candis Dorsey, Naysa Altmeyer, Mike White, Rachel Faas, Grayson Wozniak, Mike Meighan, Jake Paskorz, Gabrielle Sally, Melissa Milanak, Stephanie Swift

Betsy Lynn George Betsy Lynn George

Joe Fishel Joe Fishel

Ava Psoras

Alexa Mechling

Jace Armentrout

Mary Sack

Carley Ward

MaLynda Parker

Brian Ceponis

Rachel Rosinger

Robert Alcorn

Rosie Koster

Kathy Ciesielski

Keith Otto

Mia Zanotti

Lailanie Bautista

Erika Shrout

John-Patrick Driscoll John-Patrick Driscoll

Ivana Kingston Ivana Kingston

J.P. Edwards J.P. Edwards

Myla Swanson

Keri Delacour

Aubrey Hileman

Val Porter

Taryn L. Hart

Renee Downing

Zena Zanotti

Noah Crissman

Robert Rusin

Richard C. Fishel

Billy S. Fishel

Lucky Fishel

John W. Iwanonkiw John W. Iwanonkiw

Cory Hika

Candis Dorsey

Naysa Altmeyer

Mike White

Rachel Faas

Grayson Wozniak

Mike Meighan

Jake Paskorz

Gabrielle Sally

Melissa Milanak

Stephanie Swift Stephanie Swift