
Evil Words
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Evil Words

Evil Words




One day, for no apparent reason, a cop kills 11 children. The same day, horror novelist Thomas Roy tries to commit suicide after cutting his fingers. At first glance, nothing seems to link the two events – until Dr. Paul Lacasse, a disillusioned psychiatrist, takes over the case. Prompted by his colleague Jeanne, a fan of Thomas Roy, Dr. Lacasse investigates the writer’s past. Hounded by a gossip columnist, Dr. Lacasse uncovers a series of troubling facts that bolster his convictions about the case. As he tries to reassemble the pieces of the puzzle in order to better treat the famous writer, Dr. Lacasse is dragged further and further into a series of events, with terrifying consequences.

Date: 10/03/2003
Rating: 6.8
Cast: Michel Côté, Patrick Huard, Catherine Florent, Albert Millaire, Jean L'Italien, Jacques Lavallée, Jean-Pierre Bergeron, Nicolas Canuel, Normand D'Amour, Geneviève Laroche, Frédérique Collin, Annette Garant, Christine Foley, Alexis Bélec, Paul Doucet, Guy Boutet, Patrice Bélanger, Patrick Senécal, Lise Roy, Anne-Marie Labelle, Frédéric Gilles, Richard Fréchette, Martin Dubreuil, Stéphane Blanchette, Norman Roy, Sylvain G. Bissonnette, Nathalie Madore, Érick Barbier, Maurice Demers, Daniel Bisson, Fernand Duchesne, Lise Chenier, Richard Champagne, Nathalie Cavezzali, Yahsmin Daviault, Eric Cabana, Ghislain Hébert, Mario Lalande, Christian Nantel, Denis Gosselin, André Héroux, François Normand Bessette, Clément Sasseville, Stéphane Perron, Ronald Gagnon, Sylvie Bisson, Paul Boyer, Sylvie Alex Lortie, Hervé Desbois, Lyne Ste-Marie, Justin Savard, Nathan Savard, Soleil Guérin, Normand Galarneau, Marcel Bédard, Jean Frenette, Joshua Girard, Manon Richard, Samuelle Richard-Archambeault, Xavier Deschênes Amos, Sylvain Buffoni, Pierre-André Côté

Michel Côté Michel Côté

Patrick Huard Patrick Huard

Catherine Florent Catherine Florent

Albert Millaire Albert Millaire

Jean L'Italien Jean L'Italien

Jacques Lavallée Jacques Lavallée

Jean-Pierre Bergeron Jean-Pierre Bergeron

Nicolas Canuel Nicolas Canuel

Normand D'Amour Normand D'Amour

Geneviève Laroche Geneviève Laroche

Frédérique Collin Frédérique Collin

Annette Garant Annette Garant

Christine Foley Christine Foley

Alexis Bélec Alexis Bélec

Paul Doucet Paul Doucet

Guy Boutet

Patrice Bélanger Patrice Bélanger

Patrick Senécal Patrick Senécal

Lise Roy Lise Roy

Anne-Marie Labelle

Frédéric Gilles Frédéric Gilles

Richard Fréchette Richard Fréchette

Martin Dubreuil Martin Dubreuil

Stéphane Blanchette

Norman Roy

Sylvain G. Bissonnette Sylvain G. Bissonnette

Nathalie Madore

Érick Barbier

Maurice Demers

Daniel Bisson

Fernand Duchesne

Lise Chenier

Richard Champagne Richard Champagne

Nathalie Cavezzali Nathalie Cavezzali

Yahsmin Daviault Yahsmin Daviault

Eric Cabana Eric Cabana

Ghislain Hébert

Mario Lalande

Christian Nantel

Denis Gosselin

André Héroux

François Normand Bessette

Clément Sasseville Clément Sasseville

Stéphane Perron Stéphane Perron

Ronald Gagnon

Sylvie Bisson

Paul Boyer Paul Boyer

Sylvie Alex Lortie

Hervé Desbois

Lyne Ste-Marie

Justin Savard

Nathan Savard

Soleil Guérin

Normand Galarneau

Marcel Bédard

Jean Frenette Jean Frenette

Joshua Girard

Manon Richard

Samuelle Richard-Archambeault

Xavier Deschênes Amos

Sylvain Buffoni Sylvain Buffoni

Pierre-André Côté