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Chinese Coffee


When Harry Levine, an aging, unsuccessful Greenwich Village writer, is fired from his job as restaurant doorman, he calls on friend and mentor Jake, ostensibly to collect a long-standing debt.

Date: 09/02/2000
Rating: 6.6
Cast: Al Pacino, Jerry Orbach, Susan Floyd, Ellen McElduff, Michel Moinot, Judette Jones, Paul J.Q. Lee, Joel Eidelsberg, Maria Gentile, Christopher Evan Welch, Neal Jones, Laura Esterman, Hazelle Goodman, James Bulleit, Mark Scarola

Al Pacino Al Pacino

Jerry Orbach Jerry Orbach

Susan Floyd Susan Floyd

Ellen McElduff Ellen McElduff

Michel Moinot

Judette Jones

Paul J.Q. Lee Paul J.Q. Lee

Joel Eidelsberg

Maria Gentile

Christopher Evan Welch Christopher Evan Welch

Neal Jones Neal Jones

Laura Esterman Laura Esterman

Hazelle Goodman Hazelle Goodman

James Bulleit

Mark Scarola