
My Father Saved My Life
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My Father Saved My Life

My Father Saved My Life


Novelist and filmmaker Jose Giovanni turned to the remarkable true story of how his father helped him escape a date with the guillotine for this drama, which is based closely on events from his own life. During World War II, Manu (Vincent Lecoeur, as a character Giovanni modeled after himself) fought with the French Resistance, but near the end of the war he fell into a life of crime, and in 1947, 22-year-old Manu was arrested for his part in a bungled robbery that left a man dead. While Manu did not pull the fatal trigger, he refuses to say who did, since it would mean implicating his uncle, one of the few members of his family who has stood by him; Manu's brother is dead, and he turned his back on his father Joe (Bruno Cremer) years ago. Manu is sentenced to death, and while he protests his innocence, his attempts to escape from prison do little to convince anyone that he's telling the truth.

Date: 04/25/2001
Rating: 7.0
Cast: Bruno Cremer, Vincent Lecœur, Rufus, Michelle Goddet, Nicolas Abraham, Maria Pitarresi, Eric Defosse, Cédric Chevalme, Gabriel Briand, Charlotte Kady, François Perrot, Philippe Duclos, Philippe Saïd, Lucien Abbet

Bruno Cremer Bruno Cremer

Vincent Lecœur Vincent Lecœur

Rufus Rufus

Michelle Goddet Michelle Goddet

Nicolas Abraham Nicolas Abraham

Maria Pitarresi

Eric Defosse Eric Defosse

Cédric Chevalme Cédric Chevalme

Gabriel Briand Gabriel Briand

Charlotte Kady Charlotte Kady

François Perrot François Perrot

Philippe Duclos Philippe Duclos

Philippe Saïd Philippe Saïd

Lucien Abbet Lucien Abbet