
Emerica MADE Chapter 2
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Emerica MADE Chapter 2

Emerica MADE Chapter 2


Emerica’s MADE Chapter Two is the culmination of a six-year project, first brought to the masses in MADE Chapter One. The MADE videos are made possible from the Emerica skate team, doing what they love most: skateboarding. Talent, commitment, and one of the most legendary teams in skateboarding made MADE Chapter 2 possible.

Date: 09/08/2016
Rating: 10.0
Cast: Brandon Westgate, Jon Dickson, Andrew Reynolds, Bryan Herman, Kevin Long, Jerry Hsu, Justin Figueroa, Collin Provost, Leo Romero, Jeremy Leabres, Rob Maatman, Eniz Fazliov

Brandon Westgate Brandon Westgate

Jon Dickson Jon Dickson

Andrew Reynolds Andrew Reynolds

Bryan Herman Bryan Herman

Kevin Long Kevin Long

Jerry Hsu Jerry Hsu

Justin Figueroa Justin Figueroa

Collin Provost Collin Provost

Leo Romero Leo Romero

Jeremy Leabres Jeremy Leabres

Rob Maatman

Eniz Fazliov Eniz Fazliov