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Kill Ratio


An attack on the new President of a fledgling Eastern European democracy pits an American covert operative against the country’s ruthless military leader determined to seize control of the government.

Date: 12/09/2016
Rating: 4.3
Cast: Tom Hopper, Amy Huberman, Nick Dunning, Lacy Moore, Michelle Lehane, Brian McGuinness, Bryan Harte, Sarah Reddy, Ben Hopper, Aideen Gohery, Peter Stears, Shi Jiao Sun, Maciej Zaleski, Luca Pierucci, Conor Hegarty

Tom Hopper Tom Hopper

Amy Huberman Amy Huberman

Nick Dunning Nick Dunning

Lacy Moore Lacy Moore

Michelle Lehane

Brian McGuinness Brian McGuinness

Bryan Harte

Sarah Reddy

Ben Hopper

Aideen Gohery

Peter Stears

Shi Jiao Sun

Maciej Zaleski

Luca Pierucci

Conor Hegarty