
Andrea Chénier
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Andrea Chénier

Andrea Chénier


Live from ROH 1985. Giordano's Andrea Chenier is one of the greatest of verismo operas, full of heart-stopping big tunes and powerful emotional situations. If it is not as well-known as it should be, it is because in summary it sounds a little too like Puccini's Tosca: there is a tussle between political opponents over a woman, an attempt to save a condemned man, a tenor aria about writing poetry on the eve of execution. The difference is that Gerard (Giorgio Zancanaro) is not a villain like Scarpia, he is an idealist whom the French Revolution has betrayed as much as it has his rival the poet Chenier (Placido Domingo). His temptation to abuse his power to seduce the virtuous Maddalena (Anna Tomowa-Sintow) is a momentary one, though its consequences are terrible. There is a streak of post-Wagnerian decadence in much of this--Maddalena is at least as much in love with death as she is with Chenier, and the final love duet has a deeply sinister aspect. -- From Amazon.co.uk

Date: 05/01/1985
Rating: 7.5
Cast: Plácido Domingo, Anna Tomowa-Sintow, Giorgio Zancanaro, Jonathan Summers, Cynthia Buchan, John Dobson, Roderick Earle, Eric Garrett, John Gibbs, Patricia Johnson, Rodney Macann, Alexander Oliver, Gordon Sandison, Anny Schlemm, Julius Rudel

Plácido Domingo Plácido Domingo

Anna Tomowa-Sintow Anna Tomowa-Sintow

Giorgio Zancanaro Giorgio Zancanaro

Jonathan Summers Jonathan Summers

Cynthia Buchan

John Dobson

Roderick Earle Roderick Earle

Eric Garrett

John Gibbs

Patricia Johnson Patricia Johnson

Rodney Macann Rodney Macann

Alexander Oliver Alexander Oliver

Gordon Sandison Gordon Sandison

Anny Schlemm Anny Schlemm

Julius Rudel