A bump on the head sends Hank Martin, 1912 mechanic, to Arthurian Britain, 528 A.D., where he is befriended by Sir Sagramore le Desirous and gains power by judicious use of technology. He and Alisande, the King's niece, fall in love at first sight, which draws unwelcome attention from her fiancée Sir Lancelot; but worse trouble befalls when Hank meddles in the kingdom's politics.
Bing Crosby, Rhonda Fleming, Cedric Hardwicke, William Bendix, Murvyn Vye, Virginia Field, Joseph Vitale, Henry Wilcoxon, Richard Webb, Alan Napier, Julia Faye, Mary Field, Ann Carter, John George, Lucille Barkley, Charles Coleman, Al Bain, Eric Alden, Fred Aldrich, Chet Brandenburg, Colin Campbell, George Cathrey, Tony Cirrillo, Jim Davis, Donya Dean, Vernon Dent, Lester Dorr, George Douglas, Jimmie Dundee, Tay Dunn, Art Foster, John Goldsworthy, Robert Graham, Alec Harford, Jimmy Hawkins, Timmy Hawkins, Olin Howland, Olaf Hytten, Duke Johnson, Anthony Jowitt, Richard Keene, George Kirby, Larry Lawson, Babe London, Joseph Marr, Doreen McCann, John 'Skins' Miller, Roger Moore, Bob Morgan, Frances Morris, Leonard Mudie, Ottola Nesmith, Georgie Nokes, B.G. Norman, Anton Northpole, Vesey O'Davoren, Dorothy Phillips, Hugh Prosser, Joey Ray, Gordon Richards, Loretta Russell, Russell Saunders, Paul Scardon, Reginald Sheffield, Art Stewart, David Stollery, Fred Sweeney, Larry Thompson, Victor Travis, Harry Wilson, Frederick Worlock, Fred Zendar