
Emerald Cities
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Emerald Cities

Emerald Cities



Emerald Cities, completing the trilogy, is a story about a young woman who runs off from her Death Valley home to seek her fortune. Her drunken dad still stuck in his Santa suit from the local Christmas pagent, follows and soon comes in contact with the "new dark ages" of 1984. Juxtapositions of "on-the street" interviews (by Willie Boy Walker), punk performances by bands Flipper and The Mutants, TV shows of past-life hypnotism and nuclear destruction, and a crazed ex-con all finally intermix with the characters' own sagas.

Date: 01/01/1983
Rating: 5.6
Cast: Carolyn Zaremba, Ed Nylund, Dick Richardson, Ted Falconi, Kelly Boen, Willie Boy Walker, Liam Cutchins, Arnie Passman, Lowell Darling, Lowell Darling, Freuda Morris, Debby Krant

Carolyn Zaremba

Ed Nylund

Dick Richardson

Ted Falconi

Kelly Boen

Willie Boy Walker

Liam Cutchins

Arnie Passman

Lowell Darling

Lowell Darling

Freuda Morris

Debby Krant