
She Kills
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She Kills

She Kills



When Sadie's husband is murdered by a vicious gang called "The Touchers", she finds she possesses a strange hidden power to aid her in her quest for revenge. A homage to Grindhouse/exploitation pictures of the 1970's.

Date: 05/01/2016
Rating: 4.6
Cast: Michael Merchant, Jody Pucello, Trey Harrison, Jennie Russo, David Royal, Martha Zemsta, Niecy Cerise, Wayne W. Johnson, Mateo Prendergast, Matt Mendoza, George Cooper, Nathan Bonk, Leon Knob, Wes Reid, Wes Reid

Michael Merchant

Jody Pucello Jody Pucello

Trey Harrison Trey Harrison

Jennie Russo Jennie Russo

David Royal

Martha Zemsta

Niecy Cerise

Wayne W. Johnson Wayne W. Johnson

Mateo Prendergast

Matt Mendoza

George Cooper

Nathan Bonk

Leon Knob

Wes Reid

Wes Reid