Based on true events, involving powerful Catholic priest Fernando Karadima, who committed crimes of child abuse and pedophile between 1980's-2000's. The struggle of his victims, to be able to reveal the truth and look for justice.
Luis Gnecco, Benjamín Vicuña, Ingrid Isensee, Pedro Campos, Aline Küppenheim, Francisco Melo, Gloria Münchmeyer, Marcial Tagle, Jorge Becker, Osvaldo Santoro, Pascal Montero, Mireya Sotoconil, Catalina Benitez, Ricardo Herrera, Piero Romano Chiang, Felipe Wuth, Daniel Morera, Andrés Reyes, Alicia Correa, Montserrat Ballarin, Camilo Muñoz, Andrés Rillón, Mario Berner, Ricardo Vergara, Andrés Gormaz, Andrés Salum, María José Escoda, Gabrio Cavalla, Christian Sève