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Modern Times




A bumbling tramp desires to build a home with a young woman, yet is thwarted time and time again by his lack of experience and habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time..

Date: 02/05/1936
Rating: 8.3
Cast: Charlie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Henry Bergman, Tiny Sandford, Chester Conklin, Hank Mann, Stanley Blystone, Al Ernest Garcia, Richard Alexander, Cecil Reynolds, Mira McKinney, Murdock MacQuarrie, Wilfred Lucas, Edward LeSaint, Fred Malatesta, Sammy Stein, Juana Sutton, Ted Oliver, Norman Ainsley, Walter Bacon, Bobby Barber, Heinie Conklin, Gloria DeHaven, Gloria Delson, Pat Flaherty, Frank Hagney, Chuck Hamilton, Pat Harmon, Lloyd Ingraham, Walter James, Edward Kimball, Jack Low, Buddy Messinger, Bruce Mitchell, Frank Moran, James C. Morton, Dorothy Mueller, Louis Natheaux, J. C. Nugent, Russ Powell, John Rand, Wyn Ritchie Evans, Harry Wilson

Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin

Paulette Goddard Paulette Goddard

Henry Bergman Henry Bergman

Tiny Sandford Tiny Sandford

Chester Conklin Chester Conklin

Hank Mann Hank Mann

Stanley Blystone Stanley Blystone

Al Ernest Garcia Al Ernest Garcia

Richard Alexander Richard Alexander

Cecil Reynolds

Mira McKinney Mira McKinney

Murdock MacQuarrie Murdock MacQuarrie

Wilfred Lucas Wilfred Lucas

Edward LeSaint Edward LeSaint

Fred Malatesta Fred Malatesta

Sammy Stein Sammy Stein

Juana Sutton

Ted Oliver

Norman Ainsley

Walter Bacon

Bobby Barber Bobby Barber

Heinie Conklin Heinie Conklin

Gloria DeHaven Gloria DeHaven

Gloria Delson

Pat Flaherty Pat Flaherty

Frank Hagney Frank Hagney

Chuck Hamilton Chuck Hamilton

Pat Harmon Pat Harmon

Lloyd Ingraham Lloyd Ingraham

Walter James Walter James

Edward Kimball Edward Kimball

Jack Low

Buddy Messinger Buddy Messinger

Bruce Mitchell

Frank Moran Frank Moran

James C. Morton James C. Morton

Dorothy Mueller

Louis Natheaux Louis Natheaux

J. C. Nugent J. C. Nugent

Russ Powell Russ Powell

John Rand John Rand

Wyn Ritchie Evans

Harry Wilson Harry Wilson