
Marie's Story
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Marie's Story

Marie's Story


Marie Heurtin is born both blind and deaf. Sister Marguerette wins her trust and teaches her how to express herself.

Date: 08/10/2014
Rating: 7.4
Cast: Isabelle Carré, Ariana Rivoire, Brigitte Catillon, Laure Duthilleul, Martine Gautier, Sonia Laroze, Patricia Legrand, Christophe Tourrette, Gilles Treton, Noémie Bianco, Eline De Lorenzi, Valérie Leroux, Fany Buy, Noémie Churlet, Sandrine Schwartz, Tiphaine Rabaud Fournier

Isabelle Carré Isabelle Carré

Ariana Rivoire Ariana Rivoire

Brigitte Catillon Brigitte Catillon

Laure Duthilleul Laure Duthilleul

Martine Gautier Martine Gautier

Sonia Laroze Sonia Laroze

Patricia Legrand Patricia Legrand

Christophe Tourrette Christophe Tourrette

Gilles Treton Gilles Treton

Noémie Bianco Noémie Bianco

Eline De Lorenzi Eline De Lorenzi

Valérie Leroux

Fany Buy

Noémie Churlet

Sandrine Schwartz

Tiphaine Rabaud Fournier