
Bombshell Bloodbath
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Bombshell Bloodbath

Bombshell Bloodbath


Doctor Carter losts his wife and devotes his life to resurrecting her. However, every test of his C-900 formula creates hungry, flesh-eating zombies. Then, his daughter Cara contracts the virus and she and her sister strive to obtain the anti-serum.

Date: 05/09/2014
Rating: 4.0
Cast: Alex Elliott, Ed Ricker, Rob Springer, Jeff Briggs, Samantha Mills, Kathy Butler Sandvoss, Jess Barbour, Brianna Doss, Savannah Mae, Joanne Maye

Alex Elliott

Ed Ricker

Rob Springer

Jeff Briggs

Samantha Mills

Kathy Butler Sandvoss

Jess Barbour Jess Barbour

Brianna Doss

Savannah Mae

Joanne Maye