
Unruly Heyducks
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Unruly Heyducks

Unruly Heyducks



This film, set at the beginning of the 17th century, is the first East-European "Eastern". Bocskai István orders the free Heyducks to shepherd a huge herd of cattle through the country torn to three parts, to the Dalmatian coast, where he can get weapons in exchange, for fighting the Austrians.

Date: 12/21/1974
Rating: 4.7
Cast: Djoko Rosic, Dragomir Felba, Ferenc Bencze, Ion Bog, František Velecký, Doyne Bird, Juhász Jácint, Todor Todorov, József Madaras, Lujza Orosz, Lili Monori, György Cserhalmi, László Szabó

Djoko Rosic Djoko Rosic

Dragomir Felba Dragomir Felba

Ferenc Bencze Ferenc Bencze

Ion Bog

František Velecký František Velecký

Doyne Bird

Juhász Jácint

Todor Todorov

József Madaras József Madaras

Lujza Orosz Lujza Orosz

Lili Monori Lili Monori

György Cserhalmi György Cserhalmi

László Szabó László Szabó