
The Blue Exile
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The Blue Exile

The Blue Exile


Mavi Sürgün is a fictionalized account of one period of the life of a Turkish journalist who was condemned to exile for an article he wrote in 1925. He turned his punishment into a reward by creating a little paradise in what is today the holiday resort, Bodrum. In fact he is considered by some to be the first ecologist. The film concentrates on this latter aspect of his character and through flashbacks portrays the inner turmoil of a man who is trying to come to terms with his past. The slow pace is somewhat of a drawback, the flashbacks are often confusing and the protagonist is not always very convincing. But the photography of the country side is exceptional Kenan Ormanlar and the short appearance by a very theatrical Hanna Schygulla of Fassbinder fame adds a little spice to the drama.

Date: 05/27/1993
Rating: 4.6
Cast: Can Togay, Özay Fecht, Ayse Romey, Hanna Schygulla, Tatiana Papamoschou, Halil Ergün, Ali Sürmeli, Mehmet Çepiç, Levent Ülgen, Suavi Eren, Meltem Savcı, Nurinisa Yıldırım, Ali Uyandıran, Recep Ayyıldız, Mevlüt Demiryay, İsmet Üstekin, Cezmi Baskın, Kemal İnci, Güler Ökten, Enver Dönmez, Ali Düşenkalkar, Altan Erkekli, Can Kolukısa, Billur Kalkavan, Menderes Samancılar, Kürşat Alnıaçık

Can Togay Can Togay

Özay Fecht Özay Fecht

Ayse Romey

Hanna Schygulla Hanna Schygulla

Tatiana Papamoschou Tatiana Papamoschou

Halil Ergün Halil Ergün

Ali Sürmeli Ali Sürmeli

Mehmet Çepiç Mehmet Çepiç

Levent Ülgen Levent Ülgen

Suavi Eren Suavi Eren

Meltem Savcı Meltem Savcı

Nurinisa Yıldırım Nurinisa Yıldırım

Ali Uyandıran Ali Uyandıran

Recep Ayyıldız Recep Ayyıldız

Mevlüt Demiryay Mevlüt Demiryay

İsmet Üstekin İsmet Üstekin

Cezmi Baskın Cezmi Baskın

Kemal İnci Kemal İnci

Güler Ökten Güler Ökten

Enver Dönmez Enver Dönmez

Ali Düşenkalkar Ali Düşenkalkar

Altan Erkekli Altan Erkekli

Can Kolukısa Can Kolukısa

Billur Kalkavan Billur Kalkavan

Menderes Samancılar Menderes Samancılar

Kürşat Alnıaçık Kürşat Alnıaçık