
Justified Betrayal
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Justified Betrayal

Justified Betrayal


In this intriguing and entertaining thriller, Khalid Youssef tells the story of a young, rich man (Hani Salama) who kills his wife and his brother when he finds them in bed together. After he evades prosecution we start to wonder whether the killings were really spontaneous or if perhaps he had plotted everything in advance to get rid of both of them. Told from shifting perspectives in the style of Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon, including those of the hero, his mistress and a police detective investigating the case, the film moves around the murders cleverly, in a manner as unconventional and exciting as the story itself. Very convincing characters are involved in a game that requires a hefty dose of imagination from the audience. The film contains violence.

Date: 12/13/2006
Rating: 6.2
Cast: Hani Salama, Hesham Selim, Mai Ezz ElDein, Somaya El Khashab, Sameh ElSoreity, Amr Saad, Seif Abdelrahman, Khaled Youssef, Ibrahim Issa, Maher Selim, Hanan Youssef, Tamer Samir, Mohammad Alii El Din, Amr Mcgyver, Ahmed Al Salakawi, Mohamed Dardeery, Nadia Al Iraqiya, Hassan El Raddad, Shady Khalaf

Hani Salama Hani Salama

Hesham Selim Hesham Selim

Mai Ezz ElDein Mai Ezz ElDein

Somaya El Khashab Somaya El Khashab

Sameh ElSoreity Sameh ElSoreity

Amr Saad Amr Saad

Seif Abdelrahman

Khaled Youssef Khaled Youssef

Ibrahim Issa Ibrahim Issa

Maher Selim Maher Selim

Hanan Youssef Hanan Youssef

Tamer Samir

Mohammad Alii El Din

Amr Mcgyver

Ahmed Al Salakawi Ahmed Al Salakawi

Mohamed Dardeery Mohamed Dardeery

Nadia Al Iraqiya Nadia Al Iraqiya

Hassan El Raddad Hassan El Raddad

Shady Khalaf