
Living in Shadows
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Living in Shadows

Living in Shadows



The creative and ambitious Carlos, a young Spanish film buff, manages to become a professional camera operator with time and effort, and is also blessed with the love of Anna, which he has longed for; but the outbreak of the Civil War in 1936 changes everything for both of them.

Date: 04/06/1949
Rating: 7.2
Cast: Fernando Fernán Gómez, María Dolores Pradera, Alfonso Estela, Fernando Sancho, Isabel de Pomés, Félix de Pomés, Mary Santpere

Fernando Fernán Gómez Fernando Fernán Gómez

María Dolores Pradera María Dolores Pradera

Alfonso Estela Alfonso Estela

Fernando Sancho Fernando Sancho

Isabel de Pomés Isabel de Pomés

Félix de Pomés Félix de Pomés

Mary Santpere Mary Santpere