
Monster's Ball
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Monster's Ball

Monster's Ball



A prison guard begins a tentative romance with the unsuspecting widow of a man whose execution he presided over.

Date: 06/07/2001
Rating: 6.8
Cast: Billy Bob Thornton, Heath Ledger, Halle Berry, Sean Combs, Yasiin Bey, Will Rokos, Milo Addica, Coronji Calhoun, Peter Boyle, Taylor Simpson, Gabrielle Witcher, Amber Rules, Charles Cowan Jr., Taylor LaGrange, Anthony Bean, Francine Segal, John McConnell, Marcus Lyle Brown, Leah Loftin, Larry Lee, Troy Poret, Paul Smith, Marshall Cain, Anthony Michael Frederick, John Wilmot, Dennis Clements, Stephanie Claire, James Haven, Ritchie Montgomery, Clara Hopkins Daniels, Carol Sutton, Bernard Johnson

Billy Bob Thornton Billy Bob Thornton

Heath Ledger Heath Ledger

Halle Berry Halle Berry

Sean Combs Sean Combs

Yasiin Bey Yasiin Bey

Will Rokos

Milo Addica Milo Addica

Coronji Calhoun Coronji Calhoun

Peter Boyle Peter Boyle

Taylor Simpson

Gabrielle Witcher

Amber Rules

Charles Cowan Jr.

Taylor LaGrange

Anthony Bean

Francine Segal

John McConnell John McConnell

Marcus Lyle Brown Marcus Lyle Brown

Leah Loftin

Larry Lee

Troy Poret

Paul Smith

Marshall Cain

Anthony Michael Frederick Anthony Michael Frederick

John Wilmot John Wilmot

Dennis Clements

Stephanie Claire

James Haven James Haven

Ritchie Montgomery Ritchie Montgomery

Clara Hopkins Daniels

Carol Sutton Carol Sutton

Bernard Johnson