
Curtains for Christmas
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Curtains for Christmas

Curtains for Christmas



Holly absolutely loves Christmas movies! After meeting a man with a similar love for Christmas, Holly decides that HER life deserves to be as perfect a the films she loves! By any means necessary.

Date: 07/10/2024
Rating: 10.0
Cast: Aleen Isley, Eric J Holmes, Sarah Brunner, Michael Barnett, Steve Rudzinski, Paul Stermer, Paul Anderson, Melissa Sapienza, Katy Grant, Michael Smyth, John Catheline, Andrew Gordon, David Dietz, Jess Uhler, Jessa Flux, Drew Marvick

Aleen Isley Aleen Isley

Eric J Holmes

Sarah Brunner

Michael Barnett

Steve Rudzinski Steve Rudzinski

Paul Stermer Paul Stermer

Paul Anderson

Melissa Sapienza

Katy Grant Katy Grant

Michael Smyth

John Catheline John Catheline

Andrew Gordon

David Dietz David Dietz

Jess Uhler

Jessa Flux Jessa Flux

Drew Marvick Drew Marvick