
The End
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The End

The End



Set during the eve of doomsday. We focus on the emotional turmoil that Ian finds himself in when he has to make a decision regarding whom to spend his last evening with: his wife, Sharon, or his lover, Amy.

Date: 08/01/2020
Rating: 10.0
Cast: Chris Dingli, Jayne Giordanella, Laura Best, Matthew Scurfield, Morgan Chetcuti, John Babas Farrugia, Malcolm Galea, Polly March, Stephen Oliver, George Vella

Chris Dingli

Jayne Giordanella

Laura Best

Matthew Scurfield Matthew Scurfield

Morgan Chetcuti Morgan Chetcuti

John Babas Farrugia

Malcolm Galea Malcolm Galea

Polly March

Stephen Oliver

George Vella