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'68 covers exactly one year (January 1st through December 31st) in the lives of Zoltan Szabo and his family, Hungarian immigrants, working hard to make a life in San Francisco in 1968. The Szabos tries to adjust to the new country, changing times and each other. The year covered was one of particular cultural change in the US and this interplays with the cultural changes occurring around Zoltan, his wife and his two college-age sons. The younger of his two sons is gay and struggling with coming out. His dad disowns him when he finally does.

Date: 01/01/1988
Rating: 3.5
Cast: Eric Larson, Robert Locke, Sándor Técsy, Anna Dukasz, Miran Kwun, Neil Young, Shony Alex Braun, Elizabeth De Charay, Nike Doukas, Terra Vandergaw, Jan Němec, Anya Lem

Eric Larson Eric Larson

Robert Locke

Sándor Técsy

Anna Dukasz

Miran Kwun

Neil Young Neil Young

Shony Alex Braun

Elizabeth De Charay

Nike Doukas

Terra Vandergaw

Jan Němec Jan Němec

Anya Lem