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If Yes, Okay

If Yes, Okay


The Spijkerbergs are an absurdly rich family, but they are also richly absurd. The father – a foolish, hotshot financier – collects miniature dioramas of historical atrocities as a hobby. Mother is a has-been prima donna fighting against the vagaries of age and fame. Inheriting their privilege and casual cruelty is daughter Amy, a rebellious if somewhat insular teenager longing to break out of her gilded cage. To gain a semblance of control over her cocooned existence, Amy produces an autobiographical mock-Kabuki performance that parodies her family.

Date: 01/29/2023
Rating: 6.0
Cast: Lola Koppen, Peter Fengler, Ekaterina Levental, Harun Bahasoean, Katrien van Beurden, Tim Teunissen, Chris Koolmees, Izah Hankammer, Luk Sponselee, Pedro Buschi, Michiel Romeyn

Lola Koppen

Peter Fengler

Ekaterina Levental

Harun Bahasoean

Katrien van Beurden Katrien van Beurden

Tim Teunissen

Chris Koolmees

Izah Hankammer

Luk Sponselee

Pedro Buschi

Michiel Romeyn Michiel Romeyn