
Kurdish Factor
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Kurdish Factor

Kurdish Factor


Democratic, pro-Western Iraqi Kurds are forward thinking, sensitive to women's rights, effective in the fight against ISIS and an important role in the 2 Gulf Wars. They stand on the threshold of an independent state and are a vital component in the establishment of long-term peace in the region.

Date: 03/01/2018
Rating: 6.0
Cast: Lloyd Sherr, David Petraeus, Zalmay Khalilzad, Jay Garner, Kenneth Pollack, Kani Xulam, Gazi Zibari

Lloyd Sherr Lloyd Sherr

David Petraeus David Petraeus

Zalmay Khalilzad

Jay Garner Jay Garner

Kenneth Pollack

Kani Xulam

Gazi Zibari