Peasant children Mytyl and Tyltyl are led on a magical quest for the fabulous Blue Bird of Happiness by the fairy Berylune. On their journey, they're accompanied by the anthropomorphized presences of a Dog, a Cat, Light, Fire, and Bread, among other entities.
Patsy Kensit, Todd Lookinland, Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Fonda, Cicely Tyson, Ava Gardner, Margarita Terekhova, Georgiy Vitsin, Oleg Popov, Nadezhda Pavlova, Will Geer, Mona Washbourne, Robert Morley, Harry Andrews, George Cole, Richard Pearson, Valentina Ganibalova, Yevgeni Shcherbakov, Leonid Nevedomsky, Glikeriya Bogdanova-Chesnokova, Sergei Filippov, Vladimir Kazarinov, Grigoriy Shpigel, Igor Dmitriev, Lyudmila Ksenofontova, Yury Shepelev, Evgeniya Karetnikova, Grant Bardsley, Monique Potter, Anne Blackman, Russell Lewis, Steven Warner, James Coco, Pheona McLellan, Oskar Lind, Vladimir Lyudevig, Sergei Remmekh